MEAN Trivia

During the Coding Dojo bootcamp I was given a wireframe that outlined a basic online trivia game built in the MEAN Stack (MongoDB, Express.js, Angular, Node.js) and given 4.5 hours to complete all the features of the wireframe and deploy to an Amazon EC2 instance. The application features include:
API Source Code
UI Source Code
- Login and logout
- Display all the games played with complete information: name of user, score, percentage. Search feature should also be implemented here.
- Ability to add a new question. Form should have validation
- Have at least 5 questions saved in the database. When users play, randomly pick 3 questions from the database.
- Display Flash message with the the user's score when the complete a game.
- For the game (test), have a validation that would check if there is an answer for each for the question.
API Source Code
UI Source Code
C# Console based UNO

As part of a 3 hour hackathon at the Coding Dojo Bootcamp that was based around the concept of a Deck of Cards I created a fully functional console based Uno Game. The UNO game won first prize in the hackathon. While the code was originally written for a standard deck of cards I wrote the code in such a manner that it was easy to configure to work with the cards and rules of UNO, which is one of the primary reasons my code one, because it focused on and took advantage of the core concepts of OOP.
Source Code
Source Code